Can horses fool us?

Apparently, Zeus wasn't behaving that well during a volunteer/horse training day at the rescue last weekend. Shaking his head, being pushy/rude in a physical and emotional way. It could be his teeth so the dentist checked him out, just to be sure he's not being dominant and he couldn't find anything abnormal.
Let's see if and where I can touch the areas around his face like his eyes and ears, which they're very protective of.
As you can see in the video, Zeus not just tolerates but accepts everything I try with him. We proceeded with a 45 minute liberty session to establish communication and hierarchy, without ever showing signs of dominance. He sure knows he is big and he knows how to use that in his advantage, so he tries to make himself BIG in his body, expression and energy. A lot to swallow if you're inexperienced with horse behavior, but Zeus is for sure NOT a dominant horse.
Let's see if and where I can touch the areas around his face like his eyes and ears, which they're very protective of.
As you can see in the video, Zeus not just tolerates but accepts everything I try with him. We proceeded with a 45 minute liberty session to establish communication and hierarchy, without ever showing signs of dominance. He sure knows he is big and he knows how to use that in his advantage, so he tries to make himself BIG in his body, expression and energy. A lot to swallow if you're inexperienced with horse behavior, but Zeus is for sure NOT a dominant horse.
Watch the video below
So now people ask me: "But why did he react, the way that he did? Horses aren't able to fool us. are they?". Which is right, they aren't.
Some horses will always need someone who's in charge, a leader. But if they can't seem to find that special someone in their direct surroundings, (in Zeus' case, his surroundings were the round pen and the group of volunteers who'd wanted to work with him) they will try to find it OUTSIDE of this situation. Horses that are unsure or scared can become very nervous or explosive and develop more problems like barn sourness and buddy sourness. Zeus however, is not afraid or unsure, but an older horse that knows how to influance the human with his body and posture.
People often try to win this battle through the physical way - a fight you're obviously not going to win -, which Zeus has already figured out throughout his life, serving humans. Horses like him do not have much trouble Trusting humans, but they lack a huge amount of Respect. By being clear, honest and in balance with yourself, you can immediately set the tone for a conversation that both horse and human understand. Again, this doesn't start in the arena, or round pen, but it's starts with how you approach your horse when you grab him from his stall, halter him and walk him to his grooming spot. All little details that are EXTREMELY important.
All horses have a higher vibration/energie frequency, if you learn how to raise your own vibration and how to use this while being with your horse, you create Resonance: you create a vibration which expands into the other being's (the horse) energy field, so he'll be able to vibrate with your frequency.
I can go on and on about this for hours, it's such a special feeling to experience. But I can say with absolute certainty, that there's nothing wrong with Zeus on a physical, emotional or spiritual level.
Love, Zoë
Some horses will always need someone who's in charge, a leader. But if they can't seem to find that special someone in their direct surroundings, (in Zeus' case, his surroundings were the round pen and the group of volunteers who'd wanted to work with him) they will try to find it OUTSIDE of this situation. Horses that are unsure or scared can become very nervous or explosive and develop more problems like barn sourness and buddy sourness. Zeus however, is not afraid or unsure, but an older horse that knows how to influance the human with his body and posture.
People often try to win this battle through the physical way - a fight you're obviously not going to win -, which Zeus has already figured out throughout his life, serving humans. Horses like him do not have much trouble Trusting humans, but they lack a huge amount of Respect. By being clear, honest and in balance with yourself, you can immediately set the tone for a conversation that both horse and human understand. Again, this doesn't start in the arena, or round pen, but it's starts with how you approach your horse when you grab him from his stall, halter him and walk him to his grooming spot. All little details that are EXTREMELY important.
All horses have a higher vibration/energie frequency, if you learn how to raise your own vibration and how to use this while being with your horse, you create Resonance: you create a vibration which expands into the other being's (the horse) energy field, so he'll be able to vibrate with your frequency.
I can go on and on about this for hours, it's such a special feeling to experience. But I can say with absolute certainty, that there's nothing wrong with Zeus on a physical, emotional or spiritual level.
Love, Zoë